Cleveland, We Are All Guardians

Cleveland, We Are All Guardians

Nick Pedone
4 years ago
1 min read
Cleveland, We Are All Guardians

On Friday morning, the Cleveland Indians announced that they are officially changing their name to the Guardians.

What a perfect fit.

Sure, the first thing that comes to mind might be Groot, the cute little character in Guardians of the Galaxy on Disney+. 

Perhaps you think of the gigantic sand-colored statues that tower of the Bob Hope Memorial Bridge just outside of Progressive Field, which is likely where this idea stemmed.

But at our core, we're all Guardians.

Think of the last time you heard an outsider make a lame Cleveland joke. How'd you react? How about the last time a big-time athlete dragged our city's name through the mud for a quick joke?

We're defensive of the town we love. 

It's a town that taught so many of us to crawl, walk, laugh and love. It's a hidden gem of the Midwest, and the folks from here go to great lengths to defend their hometown.

Sure, it's hard to see the Indians go.

So many of our city's fondest memories took place inside the Corner of Carnegie and Ontario while the players sported that former team name across their chests.

The important thing is, the name Cleveland will still be across their chests. And it's our duty to guard that and cherish it.

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